Our Train of Thoughts

Masudha Meher
3 min readMar 17, 2020


It might seem like a vague question but have you ever put some thought into it? Being consumed by our thoughts and our thoughts consuming us are two different things. Are we in a pool of thoughts or are we drowning in our pool of thoughts? The later could be very dangerous.

Sometimes we are too into our thoughts, sometimes thinking, always overthinking, and not being able to say it out loud. If we just try to speak it to someone things might get easier as one thought upon the other thought, it becomes a stack, and the weight of the stack becomes unbearable and then you know what happens next. The worst of all could also lead to our end.

I believe that humans and kaleidoscopes are similar.

Broken yet so beautiful.

We break, we tear ourselves apart but again it’s us who bring the best in ourselves. Being able to think and act according to our thoughts is very good but how to act when our thoughts are killing us every single day. It’s by channeling our thoughts onto someone or something.

I was going through the same. Being eaten up by your thoughts is real. If the stack doesn’t clear up, it can destroy you.

For me, writing is my escape, let the ink behold my pain.

It feels better, it feels a lot better. For you, it could be a person too. I haven’t found that person yet, maybe you could.

I am a 21-year-old broken soul, stitching every ounce of myself. It’s difficult. But is there anything easy in this world?

I don’t know the one who is reading this, you don’t know me either. But as strangers, we have something in common that we all are fighting with something. Arguing and fighting against something. Fights make us strong; sometimes they also make us want to give up.

We are a flower, a little plant. Might bloom the brightest this season, might not in the other. But does the plant ever give up itself from growing any further? No, it blooms in one season, gives up in one but the next one, it blooms even brighter.

There wouldn’t be any flower that blooms forever. But what about us? Who’ll help us stand after giving up? It’s not me, it’s not them. It’s only you. You complain about problems? But if you look closely, who isn’t going through them. We all are dealing with some demons but at different levels. You, me, them. We are hurt or we are still hurting.

Ups and downs in life are necessary to keep us going otherwise a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive.

How will we value happiness if we have never experienced sadness? These are all part of our lives. The parts which make us strong. These are the landmarks of your journey, indicating how far you’ve come and how far you are willing to go.

We all can do wrong; it’s the choice that matters. Why do we want to become the villains of our own life, when we are already dealing with them, why add more. The sufferings won’t end, they never do. They are climbers, keeps on growing. We need to upgrade ourselves through all these suffering.

Maybe the grass is greener on the other side. Even if it’s not, how does it matter, we’ll find better grass on our journey. Life is not a race. Life is like music, go along with the rhythm

Every cloud has a silver lining!

Authored By : Masudha Meher

Originally published at http://technoliterati.wordpress.com on March 17, 2020.



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